Geographic Information Systems
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Creation of Shawano County's GIS program began in 1990 when the Shawano County Board established the Land Information Office. Since that time the GIS system has grown to where it is used by many departments and the public throughout the county on a daily basis.

This section has the responsibilities for the efficient operation and coordination of geographic information systems (GIS) software and activities throughout Shawano County; prepares GIS related documents which may include maps, charts, graphics, tabular information and management reports; assists in the development and implementation of GIS goals and objectives; designs, creates, and maintains GIS coverage’s and systems; trains Shawano County staff and citizens in the use of the GIS systems; and creates and maintains programs providing access to GIS data for Shawano County’s staff and citizens.

Contact:  Joe Martell - GIS Analyst \ Land Information Officer
Phone: 715-526-4615
Click here to email
Address:  311 N. Main St
Shawano, WI 54166
Office Hours:  Monday - Thursday
7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.