Our mission is to combine all of the resources of the Planning and Development Department divisions to plan for a prosperous and productive Shawano County in harmony with a quality environment.
This Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the following Shawano County Ordinances and Programs:
911 Uniform Property Numbering System Ordinance
Citation Authority Ordinance
County Comprehensive Plan
County Farmland Preservation Plan
Fee Schedule Ordinance
Floodplain Ordinance
Land Division Ordinance
Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance
Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Ordinance (POWTS)
POWTS Maintenance Program
Shoreland-Wetland Zoning Ordinance
Wisconsin Fund Grant Program
Zoning Ordinance
Kimberly Gierach - Zoning Administrator Phone: 715-526-6766 Click here to email