Land Division:
All divisions of land in the unincorporated areas of the County will be subject to the Shawano County Land Division Ordinance.
Click here to view our Ordinances
Certified Survey Map Process:
The first step in any land division is contacting the Shawano County Planning office to set up a preliminary Consultation. This is a formal process and is used to promote a better understanding of the developer’s intent and the Shawano County Regulations. The consultation can reduce potential delays in the review process by giving both parties a clear picture of the development and any potential requirements by Shawano County.
The surveyor will complete the CSM and submit it to the Planning and Development office for formal review along with the applicable review fee. The Planning and Development office has 20 business days to complete the review. Any corrections or changes required in the CSM must be made by the surveyor prior to approval by the Planning and Development Office. Following review and approval, the CSM is taken to the Register of Deeds for recording. A flat fee of $30 is required for recording the CSM.
>Link to Shawano County CSM Checklist
Subdivision Plat Process:
Review the Shawano County Land Division Ordinance for submittal of any planned subdivision.
Shawano County Plat of Surveys:
Plats of surveys in Shawano County are at the County Surveyors office. Office staff will assist anyone interested in attaining copies of them. A small fee per page will be charged in office. Plat of Surveys can be viewed online through the Ascent Land Records Real Estate Survey Search (shawano.wi.us).
Shawano County PLSS:
Since the 1990’s Shawano County has located and, monumented the majority of the county PLSS System. The goal of the Shawano County PLSS System is to maintain the PLSS Corners and to provide accurate coordinate information on them. The datum of the Shawano County PLSS is the Wisconsin Coordinate System Shawano County NAD 1983 (1991). The Section Corner Tie sheets and Section Summaries are online through the Ascent PLSS Module, link below. Coordinate information for all PLSS Corners are located on the Wisconsin State Cartographers website under PLSSFinder. The link is below:
>Link to State Cartographers website PLSS Finder
>>Link to Shawano Tie sheets
Shawano County U.S. Public Land Surveyor Corner Remonumentation Program:
When a Government Corner or its witness ties are missing due to a road/utility construction or accidently removed, the corner needs to be replaced along with an updated Shawano Tie sheet submitted to the Shawano County Planning and Zoning Department. The Shawano County Surveyor will approve all requests for corner remonumentation. The Shawano County “U.S. Public Land Survey Corner Remonumentation” request form needs to be submitted to the Shawano County for approval prior to the work being started.
Shawano County will reimburse $150 for a Government Corner that the corner is in place but is missing more than 1 witness monument. The new witness monuments will be set, tied to the government corner and a new tie sheet will be submitted per Wisconsin Administration Code AE-7.
Shawano County will reimburse $300 for a missing government corner. The corner will be re-established, tied to 4 witness monuments and a new tie sheet submitted per Wisconsin Administration Code AE-7.
Shawano County will furnish all Berntsen off road monuments. For road monuments Berntsen SNM1 Markers (Steel Survey Nails), 3” Mag Spikes, Railroad spikes are all acceptable and will be the surveyor’s responsibility along with all witness monuments.
The surveyor shall follow procedures for determining corner locations as laid out by the United States and the State of Wisconsin and all other rules and regulations pertaining to the retracement of original government surveys.
All field work shall be based upon the assembly of all authoritative information from Shawano County records such as title documents, private and public surveys, existing monumentation, testimonial evidence and occupation evidence that may be useful in determination of the actual government corner location.
Municipality Request Form
Surveyor Request Form
(Please save the forms to your computer and open them with Adobe Reader.)
Contact: |
Dave A. Yurk, P.L.S. - raSmith, Inc. - County Surveyor Phone: 715-526-6766 Fax: 715-526-6273 Click here to email |
Address: |
311 N. Main St Map |
Office Hours: |
Wednesday by appointment only |